IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L
IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L
IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L
IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L
IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L
IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L
IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L
IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L

IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L

Delivery 1-15 w. d.

IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L


IRON BALTIC IBC Container 1000 L

  • Extrusion blow-moulded HDPE.
  • Volume 1000L ( 275gal ).
  • Welded tubular steel grid, galvanized.
  • Integrated butterfly valve DN 50.
  • Bottom plate made of steel to provide stability and to facilitate minimum residual contents from the inner container.

An intermediate bulk container (IBC) is a reusable industrial container designed for the transport and storage of bulk liquid and granulated substances, such as chemicals, food ingredients, solvents, pharmaceuticals, etc.

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